When things are really rough all over the place, it's hard not to feel helpless. One of the toughest things is feeling like you have no control and sometimes it's really hard to differentiate between things we can and can't control.
Here are 3 things you can do to bring in comfort during challenging and uncertain times:
The serenity Prayer:
*You can use the serenity prayer as your meditation, repeating it either silently or out loud as a mantra. This is a great way to get clarity on what you can and cannot affect and it brings a lot of peace.
**If the term "God" doesn't suit you, simply choose your own higher power to pray to.
2. Love the ones you're with: Take care of your family and friends. Give your kids, your pets or your partner some extra TLC. Ask them what you can do to make their day better. Do not underestimate the power of kindness to those in your immediate circle. If everyone was well cared for, imagine what kind of world we would be living in!
3. Random acts of kindness:
Doing things for others is uplifting for us, it gets us out of fear energy and it can completely restore another human being's faith in humanity (even if just for that moment).
Here are some ideas:
Check in on loved ones.
Compliment a stranger.
Make cookies for a neighbor
Give someone a "just because" gift
Pay for the person behind you at the coffee shop.
Donate old clothes to charity
Send an uplifting playlist to someone who needs a boost.
Engage with a small business on social media and share their content.
Leave a positive review for a business.
Post cute messges on post-it notes around your house for family members.
Send flowers to someone.