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Writer's pictureMegan Poakeart

Alchemize Anxiety

Right when we wake up and before we fall asleep are times when the mind is super open to suggestion. These are also times when the mind is prone to search for what is wrong or what could possibly go wrong. With some practice, we have the power to re-route these thought patterns and make the mind work for us instead of against us.


Here are some AM and PM visualization practices that help me alchemize worry into calm and peaceful energy:


In the morning, AS SOON as I'm aware that I am coming into consciousness, I ask for divine connection and perspective, I begin breathing deeply and visualize myself in a state of peace and bliss.

*If there is something specific that you are working on manifesting- like working at a job that you love, getting strong and healthy, finding a supportive relationship, THIS is the time to picture yourself already having whatever it is that you want to bring in. You will picture it in your mind and try to feel it in your body for 2 minutes.


I have been doing a self-guided relaxation every night after I get into bed. I start at my crown (the space above the top of my head) and begin taking some deep breaths imagining that a cleansing breeze is clearing the energy of this space, I then move down to my third eye and take some cleansing breaths there, then my throat, heart, solar plexus (naval point), sacral center (pelvic region) and my root (below my tail bone and down the length of my legs). I take 3 long deep breaths at each of these 7 energy centers but your intuition may guide you to take more in one particular spot. Tune in and do what feels right for you. After I've taken a few breaths focusing on each of these areas, I then imagine myself immersed in a state of peace. This is another golden opportunity for you to use your mind to alchemize anxious energy into something that will serve you. After the body and mind are relaxed, imagine that you are surrounded by love and healing light. Picture yourself receiving whatever it is that you are wanting for your life. Again, we visualize it first and then we try to produce the feelings in the body for at least 2 minutes.

*If you start to feel any worry creep in, start the process from the beginning. On some nights, it's one-and-done for me and on other nights, I roll through this process a few times. This is mind training and the more we practice it, the more mastery we gain.


Start here and once this becomes a habit, you can extend the feeling of bliss and peace out to those you love, your community and all beings everywhere. Please share this info with anyone you know who struggles with anxiety or insomnia.

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Aubrey Miller
Aubrey Miller
Mar 20, 2024

Thank you! Going to start implementing TONIGHT!!! I am truly grateful for you! And the healing your continue to share!

Oh and I just adore your beautiful collages!!! So amazing!

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