June Meditation to bring in Sun Energy
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, June is the month that offers us the most sunlight.
It's a great time to use this natural lightness to bring in some energy and really enjoy life.
Here's a meditation for making a daily practice of harnessing and containing energy.
O-shaped breath with Mul Mantra
Simply listen to this track while breathing deeply through an O-shaped mouth and exhaling out of the nose. Imagine you are taking prana or life-force-energy in through a large straw on each inhale and storing or containing that energy within your body on each exhale.
I chose Mul Mantra for it's uplifting quality. This one always puts me in a good mood. Here's a great translation in affirmation form:
Mul Mantra translated as a positive affirmation
Ek Ong Kar - I am one with all that is
Sat Nam - Truth is my name
Karta Purakh - I am the doer of everything
Nirbhau - I am fearless
Nirvair - I am without vengeance
Akal murat - I am deathless
Ajooni - I am infinite
Saibhang - I am self existent
Gur prasad - This knowing is a blessing that sets me free
Jap - Meditate
Aad sach - I am before time
Jugad sach - I am throughout all the ages
Hai bhi sach - I am forever true
Nanak hosi bhi sach - I am true now
(from kundaliniyogaschool.org)
Once you have learned the mantra, you can also chant along. You can elongate the practice to 11 minutes by doing 3 minutes of the breathwork and then chanting/singing along to the music.
*This is also a great mantra to play when you are making a meal, going for a walk or anytime you are feeling low.