I wrote this blog post a while back about how/why/when to use mantra and
I recently made this playlist with 5 mantras, each with specific intentions. If you have 30 min to dedicate to your meditation and want to feel really buzzy, cleansed and great, I recommend doing the whole thing at once. If you want to choose one to practice for the month or for as long as you like, that's cool too.
Either way, please let me know how it goes!
Here's my "Magic Mantra" list with the suggested use and length of time for each one. You will also find the link to my playlist on Spotify and if YouTube works better for you, I have linked each mantra there as well- just click on the title.
Sat Kartar to open the heart 11:35
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha to remove blockages 8:12
Ease, Release, Relief for when you need softness and flow 1:45
Waheguru Waheguru to call in the spirit of the Divine 5:25
Om Shanti Om to bring peace in and send it out 4:06