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Writer's pictureMegan Poakeart

New Moon Meditation for Clarity

If you're needing some clarity or just a good meditation to help you release the old and bring in some fresh new energy, check out this ground, clear & restore meditation video.

If you want to make a new moon ritual out of it, grab a journal and answer the following questions before you do the meditation...

  1. Is there anything you are seeking clarity on? Any pattern in your behavior or though process that has been bothering you?

  2. Are you willing to look within and have compassion for yourself, while also taking ownership of your own energy and happiness?

  3. Think about who you would be and what you would do without this unwanted pattern. What kind of energy would be freed up with letting this thing go? The ground, clear & restore meditation has 3 parts. After you have journaled, sit for the meditation and use the first part to just relax. As you are cued to release anything that doesn't serve you during the second part, release specifically what you are letting go of for this new moon. Release any mind chatter or effort to figure anything out. Just let go. Finally, during the third part, take a moment to visualize yourself living your best life. Maybe this comes to you in images and maybe it comes in more of a feeling state. Either way, it's all good.

If clarity is what you are seeking, know that it may come sometime after the meditation. During the meditation, just let go and be open to receiving the guidance whenever it comes in.

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