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Writer's pictureMegan Poakeart

New Year, New Approach

Remember in December of 2019 when we were all making 2020 vision boards? I had a ton of travel pics on mine. Cancelled plans were obviously the least of the trauma over the past two years, as many have lost employment and loved ones. If that's the case for you, I am sending you love as I know that those wounds are still fresh.

Flash forward: If I had to give a personality to 2021, it would be the Maitland's case-worker Juno from the movie Beetlejuice, smoking her cigarette and saying something like "Don't get your hopes up". I think we can all agree that this past year did not provide the total relief that we were hoping for.

Now here we are looking ahead to 2022 and I don't know about you, but I'm a little reluctant to get my poster board and glue sticks out. There have, however, been some very valuable take-aways from the past two years.

We can make plans and set intentions but sometimes there are bigger forces afoot that have entirely different plans for our plans. We've been given so many opportunities to practice surrender and sometimes that feels like freedom and sometimes it feels unsettling and groundless. Living "one day at a time" becomes easier when it becomes a necessity. I learned to turn off the news and use my intuition to make decisions. I have witnessed and experienced in myself how quickly grief and uncertainty can turn to anger. I've had to make the conscious decision not to get caught up in contempt when I have completely different views from someone else, which is a serious and arduous practice for this opinionated New Yorker and I am still very much working on this. I also realized on a whole other level that the external stuff is not what makes me truly happy and I am more grateful than ever for all of my blessings.

I'm still an eternal optimist but I may not create a long list of things to manifest in the new year. I share my somewhat nervous reluctance candidly in case you are feeling it too. My only intentions at this point are to deepen my spiritual connection and to be kind to others. I'm keeping it simple and moving along with the times.

All that being said, I've taken some time to contemplate what's next and how I can best be of service in 2022. Some themes that are coming up are: connection, grounding, energy (the calm steady kind), techniques to breathe through and process emotion, community and joy. One thing that yoga has taught me is how to stay flexible and pivot with the times, so I'm making some subtle changes to my own personal practice as well as how I teach.

In light of things that continue to come up regarding Yogi Bhajan, I will be moving away from the particular style of Kundalini Yoga that he taught. I feel led to incorporate different methods that I have found helpful over the years of my spiritual study and practice. My classes will still be focused on energy and meditation and I will continue to teach things that I have found really effective for elevating energy and calming the mind.

From my observation of things coming to light on many different levels right now, dogma leads to rigidity at best and abuse at worst so I'm steering away from sticking exclusively to one method since there are so many different methods that work. I'm keeping it open-minded and open-ended. I will continue to seek, learn and share whatever I find valuable and look forward to sharing some fresh new energy, practices and opportunities to connect in the new year.

Lots of love,


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